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Book Notes for
The Art of Receiving and Giving: The Wheel of Consent
Page 121 of the book says that Labs 4, 5, and 6 are online – this is where you are now.
The published book includes Chapters 1 – 30. Chapters 31-39 (which includes Labs 4, 5, and 6) did not fit! So we put them into a nice PDF for you. You can purchase it here.
Footnotes and further resources, listed by chapter.
Chapter 1. Two Offers: Co-counseling, Body Electric School
Chapter 2. Defining Receiving and Giving: Quotes, books and poetry
Chapter 3. Four Quadrants: The five flows, from Sufi teachings
The Three Minute Game: Quotes, Harry Faddis, a video, and a download
Chapter 4. About Pleasure: Quotes, books, and poetry
Chapter 5. About Touch and Sex: Quotes, books, and a video
Chapter 6. In Search of the Quadrants: Gender resources, websites and books
Chapter 7. Lesson 1: Waking Up the Hands: Quotes, poetry, and a video
Chapter 8. Lesson 2: Finding Take-Allow: A note for bodyworkers, and quotes
Chapter 9. Lesson 3: Finding Serve-Accept: Quotes
Chapter 10. Intro to the Labs: Quotes about starting the journey
Chapter 11. Lab 1: Exploring Take-Allow: Quotes, poetry, and song
Chapter 12. Lab 2: Exploring Serve-Accept: Quotes and poetry
Chapter 13. Lab 3: Play: Ritual Play, Contact Improv, Original Play
Chapter 14. The Wheel of Consent: A downloadable Wheel
Chapter 15. The Direction of the Gift: Acequias
Chapter 16. The Doing Half: Some verbs, resources for learning to move, distinctions between empowered, assertive and aggressive, distinctions between control and taking charge, and distinctions between restraint and repression
Chapter 17. The Done-to Half: Distinctions between surrender, passivity and going with the flow
Chapter 18. The Receiving Half: Gifts of the earth, entitlement and privilege
Chapter 19. The Giving Half: Quotes and poetry, charity and donations
Chapter 20. The Taking Quadrant: A cascade of effects, core competencies, the shadow of Taking
Chapter 21. The Allowing Quadrant: The sociopolitical implications, the erotic side, the shadow of Allowing
Chapter 22. The Accepting Quadrant: Quotes, healing through sensation
Chapter 23. The Serving Quadrant: Core competencies, quotes and poetry, the shadow of Serving, the rescue industry
Chapter 24. Domain: Wolves and boundaries
Chapter 25. Desire: An example, quotes, and resources
Chapter 26. Consent: Quotes, books, and other resources
Chapter 27. Spiritual Implications: Meditation and altered states, tantra
Chapter 28. Social Implications: Quotes, the big shadow of Taking
Chapter 29. Conclusion: A quote
Chapter 30. More About my Work: Organizations working to decriminalize sex work, and list of articles and resources
The published book includes Chapters 1 – 30.
Chapters 31-39 (which inlcudes Labs 4, 5, and 6) did not fit! So we put them into a nice PDF for you. You can purchase it here.
Following are the notes and resources that go with those chapters.
Chapter 31. Bonus Tracks – Books and resources
Chapter 32. Sex and Eros – Books, sources, quotes, poetry
Chapter 33. About the Genitals – Books and resources
Chapter 34 & 35. Take-Allow and Serve-Accept with the option to include the genitals – Books and resources
Chapter 36. Playing with Sex – Books and resource websites
Chapter 37. Playing with Power and Surrender – Books and resource websites
Chapter 38. For Partners – Books
Chapter 39. For Helping Professionals – Resources