Extra notes about Chapter 1 – Two Offers – in the book
The Art of Receiving and Giving: The Wheel of Consent.
Other notes are found here.
Mentioned in this chapter
Co-counseling: The form I learned was called Re-evaluation Counseling and is, I think, still taught. If you start googling it, you will find that its founder, Harvey Jackins was later accused of sexual misconduct. In spite of that, the process itself is excellent and the insights on the dynamics of oppression and liberation are brilliant and solid. https://www.co-counseling.org/
Body Electric School: The workshops on sexuality that I attended for some years and later assisted at are with the Body Electric School. I am so lucky to have found them, both for the experiences and the friendships and community I enjoy to this day. The workshop at which we learned the Three Minute Game was called “Power, Surrender, and Intimacy”. The school is currently under new ownership and they are doing a terrific job of re-building it. That was in the day when there wasn’t much else, but today there are a number of other folks teaching similar things. https://www.bodyelectric.org/
The role of sex work in developing this work: Roz Dischavio in an address to the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists.